It seems that everywhere
    you go someone is talking
    about global warming.
    More specifically, we
    have seen this topic often
    within the political arena.
    On one side of the
    spectrum, someone is
    arguing that the earth’s
    climate is getting warmer;
    however, this issue is
    many times disputed by
    other politicians. The
    question to consider is:

Does it matter what politicians say? What do the
environmental scientists have to say?  Global
warming refers to the gradual incline in the Earth’s
overall climate/average temperature. It’s true that
the earth’s climate fluctuates. Scientists on the side
of global warming state that although climate
change is natural, it has continually risen without a
regression. Opponents don’t seem to understand
this concept, stating we are most likely at the end
of a glacial period. However, since the inception
and commercial use of fossil fuels (oil, gas, and
coal) during and after the industrial revolution, the
Earth’s climate has continued to climb.
