By Ozzy Neav
Posted: November 2007
David “12 Pack” Amerman is definitely one of
those rare individuals that has it all. Possessing
the physique of a Greek God and superstar
looks, Amerman is much more than just a reality
TV pimp. A successful Wall Street investment
broker, Amerman juggles his hectic career and
celebrity schedule, and still finds the time to talk
to nosey journalists. Easy going and eccentric,
Amerman is perhaps the most colorful character
to grace the VH1 screen.
Ozzy: What have you been up to since the
conclusion of I Love New York (Season 1)?
12 Pack: I'm working as an investment broker
for a Wall Street firm, and setting up retirement
plans, mutual funds and insurance policies for
pro-atheletes and actors or whoever is in need.
So let me know, cause I'm the hook up. I'm also
doing some promos with Showboat and 20 pack,
both real cool guys.
Photo by Heather Drake
Ozzy: Some people claim that you dated the daughter of a gangster. Is this true,
and did he really threaten to shoot you?
12 Pack: This is all true
Ozzy: Describe New York using only one word.
12 Pack: Crazy-cool-hot-tempered-hoe
Ozzy: What was it like to work at a gay strip club?
12 Pack: I wouldn't know.
Ozzy: Being naturally athletic and a big "MMA" fan, do you see yourself one day
competing in a UFC type promotion?
12 Pack: I already did, and I'm too old and banged up to get back into it.
Ozzy: Mr. Boston and yourself have made it known that you want your own show.
Any chance of that happening in the near future?
12 Pack: It is possible, I'm not stressing over it.
Ozzy: How do you respond to Sister Patterson's claims that you lead an alternative
12 Pack: I mean, that what she gets paid to say, so it's acting and is absolutely meaningless.
Ozzy: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
12 Pack: Working on Wall Street with a nice suburb home and a sick whip, and maybe even
a wife . . .
Ozzy: What important lessons did you learn from your experience on I Love New
12 Pack: The more you to try to explain how something isn't true the more the editor has to
cut it up and make it sound even more true. So, if you are going to try and defend yourself or
make a point about something that isn't true and career jeopardizing, just shake your head
and end it there. Don't even mention the words, or they get twisted.
Ozzy: Fill us in on what Showboat is all about and your involvement in the project.
12 Pack: Showboat is a great guy, got a great look for television and is very talented. It feels
good to work with someone who is actually pretty talented, as opposed to my old partner in
crime. I feel we can feed off each other and we are at the same level when it comes to things.
Ozzy: For us flabby 12 Pack fans: What is
the secret for developing an awesome
physique like the one you have?
12 Pack: Stay low or away from the carbs, go
high protein, no fat and eat vegetables.
Workout heavy weights four to five times a
week, abs at least once with medium to heavy
weights as well.
Ozzy: If you could spend one day with any
person alive or dead, who would it be?
12 Pack: Man, I would have to say Marilyn
Monroe, cause she my type to the "T". And
we'd probably bang.
For more information on 12 Pack contact him on
Photo by Heather Drake
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